Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Average Atomic Mass Tutorial

Complete lesson 2 and check work to self assess to help prepare for upcoming assessment next week.
You will need to know the definition of Average Atomic Mass
Why the number on the periodic table makes sense
How to calculate the average atomic mass for any given element

Friday, August 12, 2016

CERN video

Through the Worm Hole with Morgan Freeman

Particle Zoo Inquiry

Please complete ONE of the task with a partner and be prepared to share out in small groups or with the class.  Email Mrs. Voiers the answer to one of the following tasks before the next class period.

1.  Compare the characteristics of sub sub atomic particles.  What information do we know about these unusually names particles?

2.  How do particle physists observe these particles?  What evidence has been collected to determine their characterisitcs?

3.  Describe one research project that is currently underway regarding particle physics.  What could be the potential benefits and/or limitations of this project?

4.  Write your own question and ask for approval before researching..... is a video tutorial
The app has also been downloaded to school IPADS.  It is free if you want to download to your device.

Other sources can be used at your discretion.....